- Mapline 2.0
- Help on Demand
Mapline 2.0
Instant Answers to your Questions
Our most basic drive is to make mapping analysis available to everyone. A huge part of that is making our software as user-friendly as we can. We like to think we do well at this, but we’re always looking to do better. Starting with the new update, every feature, pop-up, or tool will have a help button with articles, videos and more available to guide you along. Our dream is that you never wonder about the answer to a question.

Info Boxes Everywhere
Nearly every feature, tool, and element on the map will have a “Info” button. That button will provide you with a description of the tool and how to use it. Right there, at the tool. You never even have to leave the application to troubleshoot.

Quick and Useful Demos
Some of us are more visual learners. If you are more in this camp, you should check out our demo videos. We will have videos all over the application, showing you exactly how to use our features and how to find them.

Easy to Follow Training Articles
If your a step-by-step learner, we’ll have articles and how-to’s scattered throughout the application, guiding you to around any confusions or roadblocks you might hit. It’s a lot of articles, but you only have to see it and read it if you want to.