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Reviving Revenues: AtriCure Breathes New Life into Medical Device Sales

Every company faces obstacles on the road to growth. Here’s how Atricure
leveraged Mapline’s Geo Analyitcs to transform their sales strategy,
zero in on high-potential regions, and maximize growth.
Sysco Truck
Frustrated marketer working with Excel pivot tables

For a medical device company like AtriCure, it’s not just about selling cutting-edge products for healthcare—it’s about getting those life-saving devices into the right hands, at the right hospitals, to make the biggest impact.

But, when you don’t know where to focus your efforts, well, it’s like throwing punches blindfolded.

“Before Mapline, we were using Excel queries and pivot tables,” says Erica Swigart, Sr. Manager, Global Healthcare Economics & Reimbursement.

For a rapidly-growing company in a high-demand industry, spreadsheets just weren’t going to cut it anymore. AtriCure needed clarity: which hospitals truly needed their products? How could they ensure their sales reps weren’t wasting time on low-priority locations?

Geo Analytics gave AtriCure the laser-focused targeting they needed

Swigart knew they needed more than just a list of hospitals—they needed real insight. Which hospitals had the right tools, the need for their products, and the insurance coverage to make it all feasible? AtriCure needed to know exactly where to deploy their resources to make the most impact.

Almost overnight, AtriCure shifted from the guesswork of spreadsheets to generating pinpoint, laser-focused targeting in seconds. Their ability to see where their efforts would yield the best results went from hazy to crystal clear.

“We mapped our hospitals and where our products are being sold versus where they are not being sold. So we can see if there’s a population that has really great insurance coverage in one area, and if there’s a hospital with all of the right tools and a need for our products.”
Happy marketer working with Mapline

With this information in hand, the team was no longer guessing. Not only were targeting the right hospitals and regions with precision, but once they enhanced their hospital map with demographic data, they had instant access to identify customer hotspots and focus their efforts where it truly mattered.

Within weeks of implementing Mapline’s Geo Analytics, AtriCure’s team had a completely new perspective. Gone were the days of uncertainty—they could now see exactly where their sales reps should focus their time and energy to make the biggest difference.

And that’s just part of the story. Swigart’s team also faced another challenge: they needed a better way to help hospitals understand their reimbursement rates. With the increased visibility that Mapline provided, AtriCure could assess data quickly and reassure hospitals about their reimbursement process, helping them make sense of it all.

“[Mapline enables us] to explain to hospitals how they’re getting reimbursed and why maybe they’re getting less reimbursement than the national average. For example, if you have a really high Medicaid in your county… you just have a lot of Medicaid and they reimburse the least.”
Hospital patient holding hands with a loved one

This insight was a game-changer. AtriCure isn’t just selling products—they’re building trust by helping hospitals understand their financial landscape. They can now reassure hospitals that lower-than-average reimbursements weren’t due to any errors but rather a reflection of the patient population–and they have the data visualizations they need to back them up. It’s the kind of transparency that strengthens relationships.

And Swigart’s team wasn’t alone in this success.

“There are other teams in our company that use this… For sales regions and just splitting out who has which areas… it’s really good to see that.”

The company is looking to adopt Mapline’s Geo Operations to streamline everything across all departments, not just one. They’re going big—making sure everyone gets in on the action!

Geo Operations gives brands like AtriCure a clear, visual understanding of where to focus their efforts. By mapping out hospital locations and analyzing regional data, they easily identify which areas offered the highest potential for sales growth. This data empowers sales teams to enhance their strategies, highlighting emerging opportunities and ensuring reps spend their time and resources in the most profitable regions.

Plus, Geo Operations makes it possible to track market trends and hospital needs in real-time, allowing for informed, data-driven decision-making.

For AtriCure, this level of insight isn’t just about increasing sales—it’s about strengthening relationships with hospitals by delivering personalized, targeted solutions that meet their specific needs.

“It’s going to greatly benefit us and our relationships with our customers and hospitals.”

Geo Operations didn’t just give AtriCure a map—it gave them a tactical advantage. They can now visualize hospital locations on the spot, analyze regional data, and see exactly where their efforts will yield the highest returns. By identifying underserved areas and emerging opportunities, AtriCure sends their sales teams into the field with precision, knowing they’re targeting the right hospitals, in the right regions, at the right time.

Tap into the power of Geo Operations now!